Intentional growth at Metropolitan starts with our strategic, inclusive and forward-thinking leadership. Both fresh and familiar faces are coming together, in the spirit of collaboration that defines Metropolitan’s approach to community growth, to refresh the ways we create new opportunities and increase access to our existing opportunities for the children and families we serve.
Miguel Keberlein
Executive Director
of the Legal Aid Society
As we approach the Legal Aid Society’s 100th year as part of Metropolitan Family Services, we’re looking ahead to one of the most exciting times in its history. A fresh perspective on LAS’ direction comes in the form of its new Executive Director, Miguel Keberlein.
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Roxanne Nava
Executive Director
of Metropolitan North
& Metropolitan Evanston/Skokie
Roxanne Nava’s background in supporting small businesses shines through in her leadership of Metropolitan’s North and Evanston/Skokie Centers, where she consistently works to develop partnerships throughout the communities in service of program growth.
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Nicole (Nikki) Cameron
Director of Early Learning
- Suburban
Most recently Program Director for ECE in DuPage, Nikki has reached across the county to bring community partners together to raise the visibility and importance of ECE services in DuPage, and to build a collaborative system of services for young children and families.
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Jennifer Alexander
Director of Early Learning
- Chicago
Most recently Program Director for ECE in Chicago, Jennifer contributes to the field through her active participation on numerous councils and associations. Jennifer’s demonstrated leadership can best be seen through the accomplishments of her staff.
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Rita Lopez Brosnan
Executive Director
of Metropolitan DuPage
Through her work at Metropolitan – first as Executive Director (ED) of our Southwest Center, and now as ED at DuPage – Rita Lopez Brosnan helps Metropolitan create access to education and the opportunities it affords for thousands of children and families.
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Ashley Duchossois Joyce
Board of Directors
Vice Chair
Ashley Duchossois Joyce understands Metropolitan Family Services. A longtime supporter, Ashley’s insight into Metropolitan’s mission and operations spans twenty years and myriad capacities.
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