Early Childhood Education
As the needs of the children and families we serve grow more complex, we at Metropolitan are growing our Early Childhood Education (ECE) services to meet those needs; we’re working with more community partners, opening more classrooms, and adding more home visiting services.
Our two newly created Director of Early Learning positions oversee Early Learning business development and growth strategies, program standardization and sustainability, partner relationships, work flows and quality, local and state planning and initiatives, and innovation and strategic initiatives.
As the needs of the children and families we serve grow more complex, we at Metropolitan are growing our Early Childhood Education (ECE) services to meet those needs; we’re working with more community partners, opening more classrooms, and adding more home visiting services.
Our two newly created Director of Early Learning positions oversee Early Learning business development and growth strategies, program standardization and sustainability, partner relationships, work flows and quality, local and state planning and initiatives, and innovation and strategic initiatives.
Nicole (Nikki) Cameron
Director of Early Learning
- Suburban
Most recently Program Director for ECE in DuPage, Nikki has reached across the county to bring community partners together to raise the visibility and importance of ECE services in DuPage, and to build a collaborative system of services for young children and families.

“Empowerment, to me, means providing someone the knowledge, opportunity, support or whatever it is that they need to gain the confidence to advocate for themselves and control their life decisions.”

» Growing Metropolitan’s reach through ECE
Opening ECE centers in underserved areas, as well as partnering with school districts to expand or take over providing ECE services, in Addison, Bensenville, Burr Ridge, Carol Stream, Glendale Heights, Medinah, Warrenville and Wheaton.
» Growing collaborative efforts in our communities
Bringing together early learning organizations across DuPage County through Early Childhood Collaboratives in Addison and Wheaton/Warrenville to coordinate services focused on providing opportunities for learning success.
» Growing holistic impact of ECE programming
Expanding the number of children served, seeking and receiving more diverse and sustainable funding streams, and integrating ECE services with a number of other client needs, while positioning Metropolitan DuPage as a thought leader in early learning.
