Intentional growth at Metropolitan starts with our strategic, inclusive and forward-thinking leadership. Both fresh and familiar faces are coming together, in the spirit of collaboration that defines Metropolitan’s approach to community growth, to refresh the ways we create new opportunities and increase access to our existing opportunities for the children and families we serve.
Ashley Duchossois Joyce
Board of Directors
Vice Chair
Ashley Duchossois Joyce understands Metropolitan Family Services. A longtime supporter, Ashley’s insight into Metropolitan’s mission and operations spans twenty years and myriad capacities. As she further develops that insight through her current role as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Ashley’s growth within Metropolitan has proven integral to the growth of our organization as a whole.

» As a board member – first on the Metro Board, then for years on both the Metro Board and the Board of Directors, and now as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors – Ashley brings a unique perspective on Metropolitan’s vision and direction to our consistently evolving efforts. Ashley's passion for excellence is a hallmark of her leadership style. Fully engaged in the work of the agency, Ashley encourages active participation and thoughtful conversation around decision-making.
» As President of The Duchossois Family Foundation, a major supporter of not only Metropolitan but also numerous nonprofits in Chicago and beyond, Ashley’s forward-thinking leadership inspires lasting positive change.
» As a former social worker, Ashley’s expertise, which includes a decade in private practice and work as a child therapist, informs her engagement with Metropolitan’s programs; her impact extends beyond financial contributions and board participation.
