Intentional growth at Metropolitan starts with our strategic, inclusive and forward-thinking leadership. Both fresh and familiar faces are coming together, in the spirit of collaboration that defines Metropolitan’s approach to community growth, to refresh the ways we create new opportunities and increase access to our existing opportunities for the children and families we serve.
Rita Lopez Brosnan
Executive Director
of Metropolitan DuPage
Through her work at Metropolitan – first as Executive Director (ED) of our Southwest Center, and now as ED at DuPage – Rita Lopez Brosnan helps Metropolitan create access to education and the opportunities it affords for thousands of children and families.Her work extends beyond improving morale, increasing productivity and accountability, and building a cohesive team. Rita has expanded programming and capacity at Metropolitan; she partnered with the local school district on an Early Childhood Education program, worked with a fellow ED on a workforce development program, developed new ideas for supporting mental health clinicians to improve billable services, and recruited new board members to develop a community board.

“My parents made their decision to send my brothers to the U.S. [to receive an education] because, ‘through learning you gain freedom.’ Those are my mother’s words, not mine. I believe that many aspects of my parents’ story are incredible and heroic, but not altogether uncommon. They came from poverty, they worked hard to get an education, and they wanted to make sure their children had access to education, too.”

As she steps into her new role, Rita brings innovative leadership, strategic thinking and insight into the communities our DuPage Center serves.
» Growing early learning programming
» Growing Behavioral Health services and capacity
» Growing community connections throughout DuPage
